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Summary of goals
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Key facts
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Employee health and safety
Euro Pool Group Challenge
Modern depots and service centres
Health, safety and wellbeing
& Performance

Personal development

Employee training and development
Laura Mollinedo
“It has been a challenging year but we demonstrated to be agile and that partners can always rely on our services.”
Aurelie Viricel
“By constantly adapting to new restrictions and new situations. we have been able to put our core values to practices and reinforce our company culture”.
Meanwhile business expanded for both EPS and LPR. This was partly caused by increasing retail volumes. EPS opened new depots in France, Denmark, Germany and the UK, and LPR opened new ones in the UK, France, Portugal and Germany. According to Aurélie, the expansion of the business had a positive impact on people as it kept people active and engaged. Working for an organisation that keeps a crucial sector going reinforced the value of people’s work and increased their pride in making an important contribution to society.
As EPS operates from its own depots across Europe, we had to keep up with constantly changing restrictions across countries and over time. This proved a major challenge, Laura Mollinedo explains. Together with our regional SHEQ departments, EPS was constantly monitoring and managing the situation. This efficient teamwork allowed us to quickly respond and adapt to all new developments. Operations at the depots continued and the health and safety of our employees remained our top priority. To ensure safe working conditions, we provided guidelines for our employees and contractors as well as organised additional training on hygiene, on working safely at a distance and on safe commuting. Employees received protective equipment and we put Business Continuity Plans in place to ensure continuity of operations in case one of the depots would have to close temporarily.
The restrictions were also a great challenge for La Palette Rouge. They required constant monitoring and adjustments in the supply chain, as well as re-grouping of assets to ensure the availability of pallets in the quantities required across Europe. LPR outsources its depots and transport to external service providers, who also need to comply with the LPR guidelines on employee health and safety. However, the focus of LPR was even more on people’s wellbeing. “The lockdown in France highlighted the crucial need to stay connected and to keep people engaged. This was more important than ever,” says Aurélie Viricel. “We worked hard on preserving the connection between our staff members, our depots and our clients. We organised many online meetings and regular online updates from the management. IT was a crucial element in supporting teleworking.”
Both LPR and EPS facilitate the food supply chain, a crucial sector especially during a pandemic, when it is crucial that its operations continue. We contributed to the continuation of the food supply chain while continuing to meet our high-quality standards. Business partners were constantly updated on how the situation around COVID-19 was being managed.
Without a doubt, the greatest challenge of 2020 was COVID-19. All around the world, measures were taken to control the virus and prevent it from spreading.
Many countries closed not only their borders but also facilities such as hotels and restaurants, and this had a significant impact on us all. Despite these challenges, and in close collaboration with our partners, Euro Pool Group kept the food supply chain moving.
Joint interview with Laura Mollinedo (SHEQ manager, EPS, the Netherlands) and Aurélie Viricel (HR coordinator, LPR France)
The impact of COVID-19

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Our people are the key to our business. We are committed to providing training and development opportunities to strengthen our teams in all regions. We take measures across the organisation to contribute to the health and safety of our staff.

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Key facts
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Summary of goals and results

Modern depots and service centres
To drive efficiency and circularity, EPS and LPR are continuously investing in new and more modern depots:
EPS – opened four new service centres in France, Denmark, Germany and the UK. The depots are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, are automated and run at a high level of efficiency.
LPR – opened six new service centres in the UK, France, Portugal and Germany. The new service centres are equipped with automated and ergonomic workstations.
To contribute to the health and safety of our employees, we work towards reducing repetitive work, and we continued our efforts in 2020. A good example is the EPS depot in Venlo, where work is fairly physically demanding. We have been working towards solutions to help alleviate the physical work, thus contributing to the health and well-being of staff members who are nearing the retirement age. Another example is the development of a new pallet sorting line at LPR France. In the new design, lifting pallets during the sorting process is fully automated, thus avoiding heavy tasks.
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Employee health and safety
Euro Pool Group Challenge
Health, safety and wellbeing
Personal development

EPS - In 2020 EPS introduced new e-learning modules about Maximising Circular Value and the underlying core values, the Whistle-Blower policy, and tips and tricks on measures regarding COVID-19. The curriculum will be further expanded, for example with a module about remote working and management. We are working towards a training matrix that gives an overview of qualifications for each function group and of the mandatory trainings to be followed. To this end, the HR system and e-learning platform will be further integrated. In addition, tailor-made training opportunities remain essential.
LPR - LPR’s e-learning platform ‘The LPR Academy’ expanded in 2020, and provides training opportunities for all LPR employees. It offers an induction programme for new employees, business training on LPR processes, modules about personal development and a blended path that mixes classrooms and distance learning to develop soft skills. Last year we added new courses, for example on health and safety (related to COVID-19), IT security and personal development. We put a great deal of energy in building and promoting the platform and with great success: in 2020, 90% of LPR staff members participated in at least one online training. Individual training opportunities are also available for addressing personal learning needs.
& Performance

Employee training and development

Laura Mollinedo
“It has been a challenging year but we demonstrated to be agile and that partners can always rely on our services.”
Aurelie Viricel
“By constantly adapting to new restrictions and new situations. we have been able to put our core values to practices and reinforce our company culture”.
Meanwhile business expanded for both EPS and LPR. This was partly caused by increasing retail volumes. EPS opened new depots in France, Denmark, Germany and the UK, and LPR opened new ones in the UK, France, Portugal and Germany. According to Aurélie, the expansion of the business had a positive impact on people as it kept people active and engaged. Working for an organisation that keeps a crucial sector going reinforced the value of people’s work and increased their pride in making an important contribution to society.
As EPS operates from its own depots across Europe, we had to keep up with constantly changing restrictions across countries and over time. This proved a major challenge, Laura Mollinedo explains. Together with our regional SHEQ departments, EPS was constantly monitoring and managing the situation. This efficient teamwork allowed us to quickly respond and adapt to all new developments. Operations at the depots continued and the health and safety of our employees remained our top priority. To ensure safe working conditions, we provided guidelines for our employees and contractors as well as organised additional training on hygiene, on working safely at a distance and on safe commuting. Employees received protective equipment and we put Business Continuity Plans in place to ensure continuity of operations in case one of the depots would have to close temporarily.
The restrictions were also a great challenge for La Palette Rouge. They required constant monitoring and adjustments in the supply chain, as well as re-grouping of assets to ensure the availability of pallets in the quantities required across Europe. LPR outsources its depots and transport to external service providers, who also need to comply with the LPR guidelines on employee health and safety. However, the focus of LPR was even more on people’s wellbeing. “The lockdown in France highlighted the crucial need to stay connected and to keep people engaged. This was more important than ever,” says Aurélie Viricel. “We worked hard on preserving the connection between our staff members, our depots and our clients. We organised many online meetings and regular online updates from the management. IT was a crucial element in supporting teleworking.”
Both LPR and EPS facilitate the food supply chain, a crucial sector especially during a pandemic, when it is crucial that its operations continue. We contributed to the continuation of the food supply chain while continuing to meet our high-quality standards. Business partners were constantly updated on how the situation around COVID-19 was being managed.
Without a doubt, the greatest challenge of 2020 was COVID-19. All around the world, measures were taken to control the virus and prevent it from spreading.
Many countries closed not only their borders but also facilities such as hotels and restaurants, and this had a significant impact on us all. Despite these challenges, and in close collaboration with our partners, Euro Pool Group kept the food supply chain moving.
Joint interview with Laura Mollinedo (SHEQ manager, EPS, the Netherlands) and Aurélie Viricel (HR coordinator, LPR France)
The impact of COVID-19

Our people are the key to our business. We are committed to providing training and development opportunities to strengthen our teams in all regions. We take measures across the organisation to contribute to the health and safety of our staff.