External service
Supplier of trays
and pallets
Stakeholders collaboration and dialogue in 2020
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We are pro-actively collaborating with our partners and stakeholders to create shared value and to work towards a positive impact throughout the supply chain. Together we can increase our impact towards a circular economy. We build our partnerships and collaborations on a basis of trust, expertise and credibility.
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Stakeholders collaboration and dialogue in 2020
LPR collaborated with suppliers that guarantee responsible sourcing of wood in compliance with LPR’s PEFC Chain of Custody certification.
LPR redesigned its plastic quarter pallet, it now contains 12% less plastic than the previous model.
To prepare for the transition to green foldable trays, the production of new trays continued steadily.
EPS continued to work on product innovations with tray suppliers.
Supplier of trays and pallets
In 2020, EPS became a member of the Fruittech Campus. Several partners have joined forces to make fruit cultivation in the Netherlands more attractive and to improve innovation and collaboration in the fresh supply chain.
Knowledge partners
At LPR we also strengthened collaborations with service providers and moved geographically closer to clients to improve the quality of our service and reduce transport distances.
All service centres complied with the health, safety and environmental requirements defined in our code of conduct. Together we work towards new solutions and innovations to further improve our service.
External service providers
Information sharing is a key element for optimising our logistic service throughout the supply chain, and it resulted in increased efficiency and cost savings for retail partners.
Retailers throughout Europe use our reusable trays and pallets. By providing circular packaging solutions and lowering our carbon footprint, we contributed to the sustainability targets of our retail partners.
LPR started a new flow between Spain and the UK with a new transport partner based on rail transport.
LPR implemented tools to optimize its transport flows, together with transport partners. Tooling also opens the door to new transport partners that offer multimodal and/or more sustainable transport.
EPS partnered with Transfesa to operate CoolRail. The frequency of refrigerated train transport increased and the network is expanded with new destinations. This allows EPS provide a flexible and high-quality service.
Together with transport companies we work towards further optimisation of the delivery and return of empty trays and pallets. Sharing information remains key for further optimisation across the supply chain.
Transport companies
Across the Euro Pool Group we maintained high standards and complied with the highest quality, hygiene and safety standards in every step of the supply chain.
Our business model is circular in nature, and it is based on sharing and re-using logistic carriers. To increase the sustainability of our operations, we further optimised the efficiency of transport and equipment, reduced waste and greened the energy used – following the needs of our clients.
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We are pro-actively collaborating with our partners and stakeholders to create shared value and to work towards a positive impact throughout the supply chain. Together we can increase our impact towards a circular economy. We build our partnerships and collaborations on a basis of trust, expertise and credibility.
Stakeholders collaboration and dialogue in 2020